Weight Track

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Beginning

The story of my weight loss journey began about a year and a half ago. I was tipping the scales at 406 pounds of obesity, my social life was non existent, I had a girlfriend that wasn't right for me, I worked at a deli that was not only a hellish job but contributed to my weight problem, but most importantly... I was unhappy. I can honestly say that I hated myself. I considered suicide, ending it all, too selfish to even leave a note. Yet I was too afraid to pull the trigger. I couldn't do it, something told me that everything was going to be alright. Call it whatever you wish, I call it G-O-D. I didn't know it at the time, by I had heavy divine intervention in my life. And so I pushed forward and began to morph. Evolve, if you will, into a better man. A healthier human. Thus began my walking journey on the road to happiness.

The girl got the boot, the job got the two weeks (and by two weeks I mean not showing up one day), and the life that was so clouded by a destructive fog started to clear out the storm.

I asked for help, knowing I had no power anymore. Knowing I had zero control over my intense binging and destructive behavior. Through the darkness I saw light within a family friend named Ron Stewart. Ron owned a successful personal training studio and he also did diets and eating plans. Ron had helped me lose about 30lbs. in my teens, but I pushed him away due to bullshit emotions and teenage angst.

Fortunately for me, Ron was a forgiving soul and always thought of me as his "star." He happily started training me again and taught me to eat well. I began seeing him three times a week and following the diet to the last teaspoon. I decided, "I'm not going to cheat for three months. I just want to see if this works."

Four or five months later I had lost 115lbs. and was a totally different person. My life was altered in such a positive way that I felt born again. I stopped going to Ron's and branched off on my own to the gym. I continued his diet, and lost an additional 20 pounds. I was down to 265lbs. which was the lowest I've been in my life. I began getting a flood of complements, praise, and admiration which all contributed to a strengthened self-esteem. Everywhere I went people that knew me would stop and comment about how great I looked:

"Andrew Locke? Is that you? Holy shit you've lost a lot of weight!"
"Oh my God Drew I've never seen you so skinny!"
"What's your secret!"
"You look phenomenal Drew!"
"Wow what a difference a few months can make, huh?"
"I can't believe my eyes! Andrew Locke? From high school right? Good God you are different looking."
"You must workout all day you look so good!"

Ron asked me, "Hey, do you want to start training people here?" I was shocked! Me, a trainer? But as I looked in the mirror it became a reality. I was at the point where I knew all I needed to know. I studied nutrition, physiology, exercise science, and anatomy. I spent six months studying to become a trainer. I failed the first test, so I studied harder, longer, and with determination. I failed again, so I studied even HARDER. I surrounded myself with knowledge. I understood every single muscle in the body and it's function. I had my head buried in the bible of exercise science six nights a week. The third and final test I passed, with flying colors. I was certified, and from a reputable certification board. You see, you can become a trainer in a matter of one week from those garbage online or home tests that are developed for the one purpose of making money. Trainer mills give you certifications that are worth nothing. So I went for the gold, and became certified in one of the top personal trainer certification boards in the world. It took a lot of time, patience, and money but was worth every bit. I brushed up with a first aid and CPR course and I was ready. And so my knowledge became ritual for clients, clients of my own now. I was helping people overcome what I battled with for so long.

I felt on top of the world. Nothing could stop me. I set a goal to be able to fit in an airplane seat in August when I was going to visit my best friend in LA. Not only did I fit, I had room to spare. And as I spent time in LA, my life seemed to be coming into place. I felt so good about myself that no obstical seemed to stand in my way.

Then it happened.

I tore my meniscus in my left knee.

The doctors said it was small, but concluded with "even a minuscule rip can cause intense pain."

I was lucky because it did NOT require surgery, but did disable me. I couldn't run. Running was my life. Running was my weight loss tool. Running was my escape from the clutches of obesity.

And without running, my life crashed. I became so incredibly unmotivated that nothing worked. Weight training was out of the question. Any exercise involving the legs (most) caused intense pain in my knee. So I literally stopped exercising.

I gained...

And gained...

And binged and gained.

Eventually I once again crashed. I hit 340lbs. on the scale and hit rock bottom once again.

I am glad I caught it where I did. I am so proud of myself for stopping. And once again, for the second time, I began my hike up the mountain. The peak stares me in the eyes. A healthy body, a fit life, and success rests at the summit.

I started from scratch. Went back to the basics. A diet from Ron, and a workout from my mind based on my studies.

And here I am, down to 320lbs. and fully motivated.

So, about my blog. I don't expect to have many people read this. I do not care if they do or don't. This is for me. With that said, I'm going to say what I want. I'm going to swear. Offend people. Make jokes. Be rude. Be inappropriate. Be politically incorrect. Why? Because I believe that nothing is taboo. And, after all, this is my blog... I'll say whatever the fuck I want.


My goal is to be UNDER 250lbs. by my 23rd birthday in August. This means I need to loose 70 pounds in eight months. A very obtainable goal.

Nothing stands in my WAY

I will persevere.

This battle has a predetermined WINNER, that WINNER is me.


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